
Anton Gasser

Ski Ashwood
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
The father of course with his thrift and fear of injury, he says, "No, my dear, with skiing you can beat you out of your head because there is no one." Yes, herumgebettelt constantly. And the mother is in Bad Gastein at home, have the already long since been over there. Says she: "The Toni will vouchsafe you the most. If he is older, he has never before time. "Then we went to chop an ash, a nice smooth ash. Then to Wagner to Lienz inside. And I have a murder joy, I thought, now it will soon become. "Yes," he says, "is there anything once. From a green wood, I can not do that. We must once and auseinanderschneiden decent dry, and then we can probably do it again. "During the winter, it has not worked because it was February already. But next winter, it has been so far. But the two were five feet long. And I just such a diminutive fellow. Then we were up at the Walnut in the apartment upstairs, and are always a bit further. If it is good, even more quickly. And then I'm down to the cornice out, just got in with one ski behind it. Now he was off. Now another winter was gone. Can not always go skiing. Yes, those were Eschenski. And my cousin has learned over there in Hofgastein ski at a generator. Then he says: "We will make a once." A glued! That was a difference, such as a god, I'm gone. The three days it has never brought me to the floor. But gone, what has gone. So sure it was with the ski. Since a voltage was inside. Since I could curve, as it fit me. Non-look that I think the top. Oh Mary. For three days we were over there, sometimes we could not stand. There are eleven runs, Hofgastein. Now we take the A's, then we take the two, we take the tens, we are all driven through. And all the days like Sun Then the muscles are also quickly once broken. But a beautiful thing.